

Concierge Business Solutions® is the result of nearly 40 years of corporate experience in business operations management. Ms. Spoor has a passion for helping small businesses succeed. Whether you need software, consulting, reporting tools, training or procedures, Concierge Business Solutions® will deliver and in many cases, the cost savings or business growth will more than pay for the cost of these services.

The Essential Elements™ data collection software system is offered through a licensing agreement.  The initial setup and monthly fees are based on how much education and training you want to include.  Yearly hosting and backup fees are billed yearly.

The Concierge Business Solutions Essential Elements™ software is offered through a licensing agreement. The initial setup and monthly fees are based on the number of clients you have which directly affects the amount of server space you’ll need. Yearly hosting and daily backup fees are currently included in the monthly license fee.

Yes, all questions related to software is included in the license fee. Also, until further notice, we are including process consulting with the software purchase so you have the best opportunity for success. So far our licensees have not abused this privilege so it has not been necessary to limit the amount of consulting time requested. We do, however, reserve the right to limit it if we so desire.

We work with you to define your processes, and then we document those processes. Procedures can include step-by-step instructions, images to illustrate the steps, flowcharts or all three. It really depends on the type of business and the process being documented. Policies are typically words and sometimes forms. Often policies include a signature block so employers can have the employees acknowledge they’ve been informed about the policy.

We want your company to be as efficient as possible. Often, entrepreneurs are unaware of the apps or software available that can save them time, effort, and money. Sometimes, small business owners fall into the trap of using multiple apps when just one or two would be more efficient. We will help you find the best solution, or we can create a custom solution tailored to your needs. Our IT team is highly experienced and can almost always solve your non-billable problems. Alternatively, we can write the technical specs your own IT team needs to program the solutions you require. We are happy to work with your IT staff or provide one for you.

The initial question we pose to every new client, whether in person or virtually, is this: “What would make your job easier?” It’s remarkable how often we’re able to fulfill that need and simplify their lives, whether through streamlined processes or customized reporting tools. If you already have a software business operating system in place, we may be able to integrate directly from your system. Alternatively, in cases where this isn’t feasible, we can draft the technical specifications required for your IT team to develop the necessary reporting tools. We’re flexible to collaborate with your existing IT department or offer our own expertise to meet your needs.

Yes. Concierge Business Solutions, Inc® is always available for consulting, coaching and mentoring. We start with a Zoom call and may end up scheduling an onsite meeting which is particularly effective when doing Business Analysis.

The act of process engineering means to perform an evaluation of each process in your company to see if there is waste and if so, determining the best way to eliminate that waste with a goal to improve efficiencies and productivity. There is always waste or at least, a better more streamlined way to do your tasks and we can help you figure that out.

Metrics programs are measurements of the processes within your company that will indicate whether or not your company is on track to meet your goals and objectives. Metrics programs use a PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) methodology wherein failures within each process are identified, then a root cause analysis is performed, then corrective actions are employed and finally, the cycle begins again. The important factors in any Metrics program are to select the correct processes to measure and to review them using a regular frequency.

Why do we need a Metrics program?

It is a proven fact that what gets measured improved. A business should strive for continuous process improvement. The more you improve, the more profitable your company.

There are all sorts of business analyses and it is recommended you have a consultation with us to best determine how to proceed. The most important aspect is that the Business Analysis evaluates those things that are most important to you.

Most business analyses include a SWOT analysis and ‘as is’ / ‘to be’ recommendations for your company processes. Your company may benefit from a Metrics program, additional reporting tools or some type of system automation. All of these options are considered during a Business Analysis.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. During a Business Analysis, each of those four areas are reviewed and then from this analysis, an Action Plan can be developed.

An Action Plan is an outline of the steps you should take to further your goals and business objectives. It may include marketing strategies, networking opportunities, education & training recommendations, investment options and many more tasks and action items.

If you’ve ever heard of the 80/20 rule, you know that 80% of your issues reside in 20% of your …. (products, processes, inventory etc). Management by exception means focusing your efforts on the 20% where you can get the most value for your effort (and save a ton of time and money).

We help all sorts of industries – service, health care, manufacturing, food service, lifestyle management, property management, fashion, finance …. Really any sort of company. Business is business and we draw on our 40+ years of corporate experience to analyze and recommend the best possible course for your company.

We genuinely appreciate your understanding that knowledge is a valuable commodity, similar to any other service business. For first-time clients, we have a one-hour minimum charge. If you have just one question, we’ll strive to answer it within that first hour. However, even if the answer takes less than an hour, the one-hour minimum still applies. This offer is only available for your first contact with us. Existing and ongoing clients are exempt from this one-time, one-hour offer.

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